Additional Resources

In addition to the primary sources utilized in as cited in the annotated bibliography, below are additional resources utilized in the formation of this website. When combined with the annotated bibliography, the discussion questions based upon those sources and the potential homework assignments, the sources listed below will help teachers develop full-fledged lesson plan.

It is worth noting that all of the discussion questions presented can be answered with thorough research into the sources presented and that although, the potential homework assignments can be completed to a certain extent with the sources listed below, it is recommended that to take full advantage of the homework assignments presented on the next page, students should complete research beyond what is presented on this website.

Additional Sources:

Map of Chinese Pollution

Candid View of a Chinese Photographer that Captures Images of Social Injustice Taking Place in China

Satellite Imaging of Pollution in Jet Streams Across Pacific Ocean
Health Reports

A Comprehensive Special on Pollution in China.  Topics Range from the Three Gorges Dam to Water and Air Pollution.  A Must See!

Extra Works Cited:

"Forget Motorway Congestion - This Is a Traffic Jam | Mail Online." Home | Mail Online. Jan. 2007. Web. 07 June 2010. <>.

"Investing in China: Where Locals Prosper and Foreigners Don't -- Seeking Alpha." Stock Market News, Opinion & Analysis, Investing Ideas -- Seeking Alpha. 10 Jan. 2010. Web. 07 June 2010. <